Creating Characters after a long wait

This project was spearheaded by our Creative Head, Sam Godme.
The following creative journey was applied for our client (Future Kids)

Characters and mascots are a prime importance for many industries when it comes to branding and communication with the mass.

We take it seriously when it comes to creating a character which represents a company. There is a lot of originality which gives a proper history and base for any company showcased within the character of the character.

Our creativity was challenged and our long await tenure was awarded with one of the most outstanding work until date.

Item No.

01. Challenge

The definitive challenge was to come up with a unique character set for a kid’s entertainment company aka Future Kids. The tenure for bringing creativity to life costed us almost a year. When we look at the horizon with a craving for achieving the best, we never could handle the ambiguity which generates doubts and makes the creative process more chaotic.

However, with a belief and relying on art and artists, we scrapped a whole concept after building and giving it a life. June 2012 until Feb 2013 this was like a revolution towards an evolution.

Item No.

02. Solution

Persistence, patience and clients motivated us not to give up and come up with solutions.
The ice was broken and a new genre of characters were approved.

Characters which had custom, tradition and majorly a local known name. The missing component in the previous attempt; however, it was all part of the expressions and experimentations.
We all have to offer solutions until the challenge is overcome, no matter how much time is spent when it comes to creative outbreaks for corporate worlds.

Item No.

03. Implementation

A well planned and beautifully executed 3D mockups and carefully taken recce for the implementation of diverse artworks helped us to develop the branding along the lines of the approved polished characters.
1. Sketch
2. Artwork
3. Mockups
4. Precisions
5. Adaptability
These factors helped us to implement the characters at various media junctions.

The result: Walt Disney Representative Doug Lipp said he loved  the characters!

The adaptation and implementation were up to the mark thus giving a happy and happening environment for the kids and the boosting of business performance along the lines.

Sketch to

2D to 3D to life.